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Old August 28th, 2020
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Probably due to the java sub-version going higher than 255 and that broke the limit of the 3rd party icu4j within WireShare which expects there to not be a sub-version higher than 255.
Originally Posted by BigJx View Post
This startup issue that some of you may be experiencing is occurring in a third party application that WireShare uses called icu4j. What I believe is causing it to fail is that the Java revision number is greater than 255. Try uninstalling Java and install Java and report back here if that resolves the issue.

Originally Posted by LdNyaxx View Post
bump, any resolve? after posting this I got to the end of thread and saw the workaround with java 251. It seem a outdated thread tho, worked fine just a few days ago but as of today aug 28th 2020, had to delete java and reinstall the 251. Something changed in java or win10 to warrant this?
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