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Old May 21st, 2002
Taliban Taliban is offline
Gnutella Aficionado
Join Date: March 13th, 2002
Location: Aachen
Posts: 832
Taliban is flying high

Originally posted by Paradog
maybe it was a bad comparison - but i think the main idea of gnutella is the same. look at the stats on
There are about 239996 hosts but only 25000 hosts accepting connections. Why the hell that?
Because many ppl dont understand the idea of P2P filesharing.
Sooner or later the network will die out if we dont force the ppl to share (for example prevent user to shut off upload or kicking out freeloaders from the network.). But these methods are quite Stasi again
The gnutella host count at is neither very accurate, nor reflects it the number of host accepting incoming connections. It just shows how many clients ever accepted incoming connections (leaf nodes don't ever accept incoming connection although many of them theoretically could od so).
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