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Old May 26th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question "Could Not Move to Library" error

I have been using Limewire for quite some time, and have been very happy with it. Recently, I was downloading a large file under Linux, with Limewire. It got to about 20%, then suddenly jumped to 100% and said "Could Not Move to Library." I could not figure out what was wrong. At first I thought I had run out of disk space, so I checked. I have several gigs free. So, I looked in the Library tab, under Incomplete. The partial file was still there, still not all the way downloaded. I looked around in my shared folder, and could not find anything there. So, I tried downloadin g it again. (I had to do a "kill download" on it, and restart the download, this normally just picks up where it left off.) It immediately jumped to 100% and said "Could Not Move to Library" again. This has not happened to me before, nor did it happen with any of the other files I downloaded today.
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