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Old May 27th, 2002
tshdos tshdos is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 24th, 2002
Location: Virginia
Posts: 101
tshdos is flying high

And my network status is going like the clappers, my modem lights are going 10 to the dozen, as if I am downloading something at 150kbps.
This is normal behavior for a client. It sends/receives MANY small packets. This is how the network keeps running. Since you say you are not sharing any files and are not downloading any files, they are just basic connection packets ( pings pongs ) and packets related to searches.

I forgot to mention that I have had several bounces from kiddy porn servers whilst this software was running, and NO, that is not normal at all.
These are just queries. As long as you do not share and/or download any child porn, you should just ignore it. No files are actually transferred THROUGH clients. If someone wants to download a file they must go directly to the source.
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