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Old May 29th, 2002
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Rhohl Rhohl is offline
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Location: Russell, ON. Canada
Posts: 57
Rhohl is flying high
Thumbs down

Originally posted by efield
1) Command-click on one of the column headings in the results area to get a listing of the possible columns.

2) Command-click on the tab in the results area that has the name of your search and the number of results. There should be a option named Repeat Search or thereabouts.
Re installed and tried LW 2.2.4 Pro & LW 2.3.3 Pro with your command>click suggestion:

LW 2.2.4:
does not react to a "command>click" for anything.
But, double clicking on a search results tab or in the search results window
does reveal a drop down menu which includes an option to repeat the search.
Nothing works or is available to get "location addresses" instead of "bit rates"

LW 2.3.3:
does not react to a "command>click" for anything
Also, now, double clicking does not work for the search options menu found in LW 2.2.4
And again, nothing works to get "location addresses" instead of "bit rates"

Of course, both LW 2.2.4 and LW 2.3.3 have the old "Options Screen Problem"

But the posted (techno font) work-a-round did work!
And, LW 2.4.x solved it; I guess that this is a situation of "get a little...give up a little"
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