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Old May 30th, 2002
per.olsson per.olsson is offline
Join Date: May 30th, 2002
Location: Ornskoldsvik, Sweden
Posts: 8
per.olsson is flying high
Question Requery sent... What keywords are used?

I've noticed that downloads that have been requering for several hours without results often find available hosts if I repeat the search that localized the files.

Now I wonder: What keywords are used for the requery? Is it the complete filename?

Whatever, I think it would be better to use the keywords from the search that initially found the file(s) than the keywords Limewire 2.4.4 are using. My opinion is based solely on the expieriencie described above.

Another way to accomplish better requeries would be to make it possible to schedule searches to repeat every 30 minutes or so.

Please share your thoughts with me (and some others)...

Per Olsson, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden
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