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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

I would be hesitant to blame the OS. I do a lot of maintenance and have been running OS 10 (.0 through .1.5) successfully. I have had less than 10 crash/kernels/hangups. All but one was LimeWire and/or Java related. It did not kernel, it either crashed the app (disabling ultrapeer fixed that), or after about 24 hours of L W I got a spinning beachball whose only remedy was a force restart on the tower power supply button.

Until I run LimeWire, the system runs G R E A T!!!!!

During LimeWire, it runs like frozen mud, or worse.

Quit LimeWire, performance returns to normal.

But it's Java's fault, as if it mattered.
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