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  #29 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Morgwen
about your statement that unregistered people flame in the bearshare forum, yes because the bearshare forum was closed some time ago for unregistred users... (at least two months)!
Sorry Morg, I am not pointing my discontent directly at you, you are one of the best and most patient mods I have seen here other than CycloCide.
I think you meant "registered users" above?
And you have me there, about the deleting of posts, but I thought you only edited posts and deleted them rarely. I have seen where a post is marked "unappropriate post" or something like that, and I don't see many of those in the general forum. So I still wonder what the actual motivation was.
Ursula lost her cool, Swede shows up and also happens to hate Unregistered posters and now this happens, very good timing I think.
I think you should look at the way that other larger places handle the flame war problem, such as slashdot, but keep anon posts available.
It's your choice.

(and oh my god! We are having a dialog! How can that be?)
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