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Old July 6th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb Improvements to OSX version.

After my ISP has disconnected me (which it does every 2 hours), my machine dials up again (because I have iGetter running in the background, which does this), and I get given a new TCP/IP number. Unfortunately, Limewire, refuses to connect, find files or resume any downloads unless I quit Limewire and start it up again. I'd like to leave limewire running over night, but this means it will only work for the first 2 hours.

Limewire re-dial option, would re-connect when disconnected, number of times optional (look at iGetter for OSX for ideas)

Limewire should reset itself, allowing it to link with the new connection, without having to Quit and restart Limewire.

I've mentioned it before, but Quit should work as default, and one checked 'Postpone Quit during transfer'.option in the Preferences would prevent this from happening until the transfer was finished. Do not word as Shutdown, this I believe could be confused with, (um er...) Shutdown.

Sometimes the download window clears, and there is no way to move partial downloads from the Library back to the download window. I think there should be more options with resuming a download. I've looked for 'Download any' as suggested by the FAQs and couldn't find the option.

Overall though, I'm very impressed with the OSX version, and will buy the pro version when it's working well.


(also get rid of the flashing red advert on this forum, it hurts my eyes !)
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