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Old July 9th, 2002
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RealBigSwede RealBigSwede is offline
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Join Date: June 22nd, 2002
Location: Somewhere in USA
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RealBigSwede is flying high

Originally posted by bpmax
But seriously, sat systems and subscriptions are coming down like a Lead Zepplin. (another inside joke)
Look into satellite...deelpy... and I'm sure you'll all be pleasantly surprised.
I don't think that $700.00 - $1000.00 is cheap, plus subscription on $79.95-$120.00/month has come down like a Zeppelin. I talk to Satellite person and they have so intentions to lower their prices. Even a used Satellite system is around $400.00. And that is with modem (upload) and Satellite (download) and the subscription is at $39.95. Just now they have special 2 month for $29.95 and then up to $39.96.
But, thanks, for telling us that we with 56k modem are second-class members.
And I have seen in the last 3 weeks that more and more clients are cutting us out of the loop. So, Please people, Share with us, too. Yes, we are slow, but we have the heart to share with you, so share with us.
Remember that
p2p only work by sharing with everybody, even with a "slow" modem. And you others, that just downloading and never share, you are the parasite of p2p. You are not helping anyone but yourself, you are a selfish SOB.
If I had a DSL I world share all my MP3s (around 5000) with all of you. Just now I share around 150 - 350 MP3s, and I rotating them every week of the 5000 MP3s. And that is with my 56k modem.
I do all kind of works on my MP3 files, I putting in the album cover, lyrics and other info about the songs. Just now I trying to get the 192 and higher bit rates, on the same songs that I have. I ripping every CD I can get my hands on, from my girl friend to other friend.
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