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Old June 9th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb Corrupt Downloads

You are getting corrupted files. I have had this problem often. Its mostly due to the inadequate "savenow" download manager that alows you to resume/download programs ... They should add support to use your own download manager with one of the Gnutella Clones ... there are some really good programs out there like GoZilla! and Getright that would work really well for downloading ..."savenow" is crap ..unless "savenow" is re-coded to actualy work right we will all be experience the "I spent 1 to 10 hrs downloading on a 56k modem and got a worthless file" syndrome .... I f all else fails you can try using a program like WinRar which can sometimes repair the file to a certain extent and alow you to extract the stuff that is still goodso it will not be a total loss .....
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