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Old July 12th, 2002
Krieger88 Krieger88 is offline
Join Date: July 4th, 2002
Posts: 274
Krieger88 is flying high

So this means that for anyone in the music industry who want to check out who is the big sharers they have to make an original query to get some identity's(IP's) and once they have found some persons that share a few of their copyrighted material they will have to Browse That persons shared directory to decide if that person is a big sharer or not since they apparently are only interessted in the top 10% of sharers that provides the network with 90% of its content.Sure if they would make thousands of querys and then see an individuals IP repeatedly and eventually gathered enough files from that person to call him a big sharer and then trough that persons ISP get to know/reveal his/hers true identity and press charges against him/her they would not need to Browse someones directory.But this would be very time consuming and I personally do not think that they are willing to go that far in their efforts to catch individuals.
Not quite. You see, the RIAA spy nodes don't have to send any queries at all, nor do they have to browse any hosts. The best approach to spy on gnutella users is (and that's what MediaEnforcer, Ranger Online ... will most probably do) is set up a very well connected gnutella node with let's say 100 connections and save all queryreplies they receive. (The QueryHits aren't sent directly to the querying host, although LimeWire is working on out of band replies, they are passed to the next Ultrapeer and that passes them on again until it reaches the querying host and at some point the queryhit might pass through a RIAA spy node).
The spy node will map all queryreplies to the corresponding IP adresses of the sharing servent (contained in the query reply) and due to the massive amount of queries sent through the network (the one or the other will match a file you are sharing) they will have an almost complete list of your files while staying completely anonymous. It could be two hops away without you ever knowing or even the ultrapeer you are connected to, while claiming it was an ordinary LimeWire ultrapeer.

I don't think the spynode would bother browsing your host, since the spy node itself wouldn't remain anonymous that way. And it would have to ask thousands of hosts actively what files they are sharing instead of just sitting nearby silently, listening to your servent (and thousands of others) telling the whole world what files you are offering.
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