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Old August 29th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
Thanks for the install help. This guide also allowed me to install java completely which my RedHat 7.3 won't allow.
The instructions as far as using $JAVA_HOME in your .bash_profile or .bashrc has been what had to be done for all java installed on unix but it isn't in the installer to do this. Probably because some admins limit what shells their users can use and sometimes will disable bash outright. When using a different shell like ksh (Korn shell), your export command is different. An entirely different syntax. I was going to create instructions for the other shells, but it appears no one has had any situations with an account with the restriction to use bash (Bourne Again shell). I have a script to do all the installing using LimeWire's tarball or installer with specific java packages. I want it to be able to use any java installer and thus I will have to get back to my little script one day and revise it with the necessary changes to bring that capability to fruition.

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