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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 3rd, 2002
Mr. E.
Posts: n/a


Once the file has been marked as "Couldn't move to Library" I think Limewire forgets about it and you have to handle the files by yourself. At least yours are complete.

In that case use the Finder to change their names to something more friendly (Drop the T-547309... in front of them) and move them to your Shared directory (or wherever you want).

In my case I use to get the "Couldn't move to Library" problem with files that haven't completely download and are trying to resume. If my wife started the download she is the owner of the temporary file and I can't write to it (by default Limewire assign Read&Write permissions to owner and ONLY Read to the everybody else). So changing the privileges of every file in the Incomplete directory fixes the problem.

In your case it seems that you don't have permission to write to the Shared directory (I think the message would show also if the file already exists there.) So I would recomend you to check your privileges in Shared from the Finder. You(or the group you belong to) must have Read and Write permissions to it (usually the group "Staff"should have permissions "Read&Write"). If you don't then from the administrator account in Jaguar you can change the permissions from the finder (Cmd-I). Otherwise use the terminal:

>cd /Applications/Limewire
>sudo chmod 664 Shared
>cd Shared
>sudo chmod 664 *

Hope this helps.
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