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Old September 15th, 2002
KenRay53 KenRay53 is offline
Mostly Confused Member
Join Date: August 3rd, 2002
Location: Southern California
Posts: 45
KenRay53 is flying high
Wink I Hereby volunteer ...


If you all would like a highly critical and slightly skilled beta tester then I am your man. You all do not really advertize as to how to become a beta tester.

Seriously, I have been using Limewire since Napster shut down. I am a skilled C, VB, and Pascal programmer. My C++ stuff is still in work. I would bet that JAVA would not be too hard to pick up. Aside from that, I have spent many years using (and fixing) FORTRAN programs written for the government.

The Web Guy has my email AD.

