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Old September 17th, 2002
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Default Limewire 2.6.3 problems in OS 9.2.1

Hi there,

I have been using Limewire since the beginning and have pretty much updated whenever one became available. I have had more and more problems it seems with each upgrade. With version 2.6.3 I have major problems with the program that frustrate me so much I usually just quit the program and forget about it.

Limewire is incredibly slow from the beginning. It takes a long time to start up. This has always been a problem and one I don't mind so much, as I'm used to it. When I first started up 2.6.3, it took FOREVER to recognize all my songs. I have 500 some MP3s and it easily took over 5 minutes for that process. With subsequent start ups, that time was greatly reduced.

Now when I start up the program, things are fine in the beginning, things run at an ok pace, but then after a couple minutes things slow down incredibly. When I click a menu or a button, it takes 30 seconds or so to register I've clicked it. And sometimes when it stalls like this, I collapse the window to do something with another program and when I reopen the program, the window is blank and does not redraw the screen fully. When I click where I think certain menus are, they sometimes appear, but when I click on them nothing happens. Not even when I click on close (if I can get it to appear). I have to force quit the program, which makes my computer internet connection not work and I have to restart the computer.

I have read the FAQs and have tried alloting 40 MB (40000k) of memory to Limewire as suggested, but this does not help. If I allot more than this, the program will not open.

I am running Limewire 2.6.3 on an iMac 350 under OS 9.2.1 with 192 MB Ram, virtual memory off. Is there something I can do to fix this? Something I'm doing wrong? I have tried trashing the program and reinstalling but this doesn't help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
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