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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2002
Posts: n/a

You are very misinformed about java sir.

Java code can be even FASTER than native code. Poorly written java code will run slowly; however, so will code that is poorly written in languages such as C or C++.

Java, for the most part, is protected from errors by design. I would venture so far as to say that the largest number of errors in software today are related to pointers. This class of problems simply does not exist in java.

The Java Runtime Environment is extremely easy to install on Linux, and most applications that run on it are even easier to install.

<flame intensity="inferno">
I believe this is a classic case of PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair). That and the fact that your hardware sucks. I'm sure that we'll soon hear someone whining that he can't run java apps on his vintage Timex-Sinclair.
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