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Old November 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question Too many connections as Ultrapeer?!

This started happening to me in 2.5.x, then 2.6.5, now 2.7.3...

Most of the time, when I start up LimeWire, I get the standard 4 connections (default). Once in while, though, like right now, LimeWire has decided to give me 100+ connections, and no signs of stopping! I've got 7 UltraPeers, and the rest are Leaf Nodes... the UltraPeers are all LimeWire except for one Morpheus node.

What gives?! I'm on a DSL line, but with that many connections, my ISP (Earthlink) freaks out and assigns me a new dynamic IP address sometimes three times in one day, and using my Linux firewall box, I have to manually type in my forwarding IP address so people can connect to me, so the dump is a pain.

Anyone else with these probs?

OS X 10.1.5 running LW 2.7.3 with 768MB RAM on a 1500/384 DSL line...
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