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Old November 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a
Angry GIVE MY 2.6v BACK!!!

Hello there.
Well, apparently, I'm not the only person havin' trouble vith LW 2.7v.

I dowloaded that new version today, and, now, I can't enter tne network. It's tellin' me to pass to LimeWire Pro, and, no yes, no or later button to go through.

Why don't you put a "Old Limewire Version" menu in your website? It's totally impossible for me to find the older version back! Well, hope all bugs will be very very very soon repaired. I talked about LimeWire to a lot of Mac users. Some of them even bought the Pro Version. I can understand that you don't care about "no paying" customers, but I did a lot of adds on my own way for yar software.

Hope having good news very soon from you!
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