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Old December 1st, 2002
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Default New and Serious Connection Problem

Hello, I have owned LimeWire Pro for almost a year now, and although I've had a few problems, it's been nothing short of fantastic for the last few months.

Until yesterday, when it can't seem to locate more than 200 users at a time. The program, upon perhaps the tenth startup of the day, fed me prompts as if it were the first time I'd ever used it. What's Your Connection?, etc.. Ever since, it's been unable to, according to the statistics window, locate more than a GB or so of files. In other words, nothing.

I've updated to 2.7.13. I've uninstalled. I've reinstalled. I've re-tweaked my connection. Everything's flying. Except LimeWire.

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S.---Mac. OS 9.2.2. Cable connection @ a consistent 1.46 megaBits.

Thanks in advance.
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