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Old December 7th, 2002
sonnet sonnet is offline
Join Date: December 7th, 2002
Posts: 35
sonnet is flying high

I have the same problems posted above.

I am running Limewire 2.7.13.

To clarify:

1. Under earlier versions of Limewire I would receive reports of many successful uploads from other users.

2. I know my own IP,, etc., it is set to push/force IP from behind the firewall, as has always been the case, with previous versions of Limewire as well. This IP works fine w/ apps such as Snapperhead allowing people to take pix of my desktop which is also forcing behind a router/firewall.

3. Nothing has changed except the Limewire build, and yet I am getting hardly anyone uploading from me.

4. I *know* something is wrong. It is not a simple matter of forcing the IP as I have had this in place under this version of Limewire and under previous versions.

5. I have disabled and disconnected my wireless router when using Limewire to take that away from the equasion and am on a simple cable modem connection. The wireless router is new, and I will worry about configuring it with Limewire later. If we can figure out a basic cable modem configuration, then I will re-implement my wireless router while using Limewire. For now, please know there is **no wireless router** in the equasion; my Mac 10.2 OS X 10.2's firewall is enabled but certain ports such as those used for Limewire are allowed. Port-mapping 10.2's firewall with Limewire works; I know because some people are getting through. Again what remains terribly frustrating is that this exact set-up worked fine under previous versions of Limewire.


As a separate issue,

I have set the Upload Limit to 100 for "number of uploads" from a single user. Despite doing this, I am receiving reports from users who are on, let's be generous and say their 10th upload (not their 100th) of "Upload Limit Reached." They might reach 10 if I leave Limewire on 48-72 hours. Question: Is there a cut-off to the number of uploads allowed per IP if I have set it to 100 and the IP obviously has gotten nowhere close?


As others have mentioned, I can go for several hours and have maybe 4 uploads whereas before I would have maybe 50. Something is wrong. If you have 50 successful uploads versus 4, the program is not working as well. !!!!
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