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Old December 12th, 2002
Brian Christmas Brian Christmas is offline
Inquisitive tinkerer
Join Date: November 14th, 2002
Location: Bendigo, Australia
Posts: 31
Brian Christmas is flying high

G'day from Oz, Cafe.

To be honest, I'm not sure.

I suggest you re-install Java from your startup disk.

You might have to remove the Java folder from your Applications/Utilities folder first, but don't trash it, in case you need it back.

Just move it to the trash before the install, and back out to your desktop straight after the re-install.

The latest version is 2.5.5 for system 9.x, not sure about X.x, or how to re-install for it.

I've installed 10.1.5 just a few days ago, and it stripped Sherlock from my 9.2.2, so I could not search for the file you mentioned, and I'm in 9.2.2 at the moment.

Classic is useless, so I'm going completetly to Jaguar.


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