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Old December 14th, 2002
jannuss jannuss is offline
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jannuss is flying high
Default More tests -- Less joy

for Adam Fisk:

I performed the following experiements this morning:

Running LimeWire 2.8.0Beta with Max OS 10.2.2 on a G4/400MHz with 512MB memory:

1. Unplupped my CD-RW [FireWire] and restarted the computer . . .
Create an empty Shared Folder on the Systems disk; deleted the Incomplete Folder:
launch PPTP
launch Process View
launch LimeWire (from the application)
--> runs fine. enable incoming searches, do a few searches of my own, start a download. All's well.
launch another applications [AppleWorks]
--> Window Manager climbs to 80+%, the colored beach ball spins and spins, the computer is totally frozen. After five minutes I shut off the power. [Note: Process Viewer does not function correctly under these cercomstances, so the cpu % numbers are only estimates.]

2. Repeat the test launching LimeWire from the Terminal Window
--> identical results.

3. & 4. Unplugged the scanner [SCSI] and restart the computer . . .
Empty the Shared Folder; delete the Incomplete Folder; repeat tests 1 & 2
--> identical results.

5. & 6. Many users have Classic start up automatically (I don't), so with the CD-RW and scanner still unplugged, I started Classic . . .
Empty the Shared Folder; delete the Incomplete Folder; repeat tests 1 & 2
--> identical results.

7. & 8. As a final check, I went back to LimeWire 2.7.13 and with the CD-RW and scanner still unplugged . . .
Empty the Shared Folder; delete the Incomplete Folder; repeat tests 1 & 2
--> identical results.

Conclusion: under 10.2.2 LimeWire functions as a stand-alone system only!!!

Now, the final test will be to put my system back together, restore my large Shared and Incomplete folders (on a separate partition from the System), and run stand alone. I fear all downloads will hit the "Unable to Move to Library" bug I started out with and that will be the end of LimeWire on my computer until further notice.

Stay tuned.


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