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Old January 12th, 2003
trap_jaw trap_jaw is offline
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Join Date: September 21st, 2002
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trap_jaw is flying high

There are one or two really bad bugs (I know of) in LimeWire 2.8.5 - surprisingly none of the bugs mentioned in the forum had anything to do with it.

I'll give you a few examples:

The "could not move to library" problem (caused by other clients sending malformed queryreplies) has been existing for a few months now and it can't have become worse with LimeWire 2.8.5, since it simply didn't even try to cope with it (since it happens pretty rarely).

The slower downloads reported here cannot be confirmed by any test I ran and I don't think they are slower than before since the download / upload code wasn't really changed that much. It's true that it might confuse users to see downloads disconnecting and reconnecting every couple of seconds but that really doesn't affect the speed, because the TCP connection is kept alive during the entire download from one host. A simple fix would be for example that the GUI will not show that the HTTP connection is dropped after downloading 100,000 bytes so the user wouldn't be concerned.

There is now a GUI bug in the uploads window that causes uploads in chunks only to reach a few percent in the progress bar before restarting at zero. However this bug does not affect upload performance. (I think Sam Berlin already sent a fix for that).

Other complaints were more or less expressions of general discontentment with the new version and not really helpful for any developer.

The real problems, for example that version 2.8.5 will almost never become in ultrapeer and that there is a severe shortage of ultrapeers (causing poorer search performance, frequently failing connections,...) weren't mentioned here at all.

Besides - most of the LimeWire team has been on vacation since christmas and they are just about to resume work again, so you will probably see some bug fix releases next week.
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