You are not alone I am having the same problem. Today I downloaded Limewire Pro at the cost of $9.50. So far I'm regretting it. I don't see any improvements. The only thing different seems to be more apparent fields for entering more search info. I've already discovered that entering more specific info into these info fields does not prevent the annoying tendencies for Limewire to post completely irrelevant hits.Why, when I look up *****videos do I get a result for 'something Ant Farm'? Even worse, depsite entering the artist name, song title, and album title, I still came up with a gazillion irrelevant hits for a song with 'love' in the title.
I am also getting that grey field where the title information should be. I'm getting the stars, file size, etc. but no actual descriptive information. I have not been able to fix it. Also, everytime I did a video search I came up with a bogus file ending in .mpg and comprising exactly 67 KB. It didn't matter what I looked up I always got one hit like that? What the hell is that about?
I am very unhappy right now. The only reason I went ahead and purchaced Pro was I got a pop-up window telling me I needed to upgrade to whatever version it was. Sorry, I don't remember which version I had. I downloaded it back in 2001. I have a MacG3 running on 8.6 (blush). Other possibly pertinent info is I'm connected via cable modem. I have yet to download a single (real) file today. My daughter managed some mp3s but I was looking for music videos. I didn't have any luck with mp3s either.
Last edited by birdy; March 7th, 2009 at 04:46 PM.