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Old February 24th, 2003
stief stief is offline
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Hi digory. Julie Z has some good ideas on troubleshooting Os 9, especially on memory allocation. Will this link on the Type 2 error help you get started? If not, search for posts by her and you may get more. I've found lots of support in the forums but had none from Pro. Buy Pro to support p2p development, and you won't feel suckered if your problem isn't easily solved.

And Mark--sorry for not replying earlier. Saved me some time on the G3/G4 longshot. The Connections trick has worked in the past, but does require a lot of babysitting, and seemed more like a cheat than a workaround. BTW, I wanted to follow up when you said "It's not going to get any worse before it gets better." Any more leads on that?

And thanks again to Clueless (download @300! with Acquisition? Wow--best I ever saw on either was an guy uploading at 125! on Limewire) and Sleepless for the router/NAT pointers. My ISP is great (, and is fine with the setup. I suspect cable ISP's sell a lot of high-speed because of the demand for p2p.

Cheers all.
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