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Old March 6th, 2003
Sleipner Sleipner is offline
Join Date: February 22nd, 2003
Location: Sweden
Posts: 28
Sleipner is flying high
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Ya i though so too after i while here , its just that the newer lime shields off much better then older versions. But the bug that the new version has is seriously bad! i suspect it has to do with SHA1 handling that doesnt work at all, and also query matching. let me give some examples here. Let say i have a file with the name


But the requests coming in are like

good_BUNCH.rar or BUNCH LX 8.rar these are the clear context requests! that fails here.

Then i lookup those URI-RES SHAS:s, requests they dont match any of my files at all. very strange indeed

So out of 10 requests ive got 2-5 that are completly wrong.
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