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Old March 23rd, 2003
funkymarcus funkymarcus is offline
Join Date: October 30th, 2002
Posts: 48
funkymarcus is flying high

It does work. What particular errors or failures are you experiencing?

If you're having trouble removing LimeWire, start the Terminal in /Applications/Utilities while logged in as an administrative user, and type at the prompt:

sudo rm -rf /Applications/LimeWire

Enter your password if and when prompted. When you get another shell prompt, enter this command to remove the LimeWire's preferences.

rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/LimeWire

This will not remove any of your downloaded or shared files. Once you get another shell prompt, you can quit Terminal.

Run Repair Permissions in Disk Utility, also in /Applications/Utilities.

You can then try to install LimeWire again. Note that it will only be able to install in /Applications if you are an administrative user. (If your system only has one user, then you are an administrative user.)

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