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Old April 1st, 2003
skylander skylander is offline
Join Date: April 1st, 2003
Posts: 1
skylander is flying high
Unhappy Download Status - Position problem

Hello all,

I used Limewire Pro for almost two weeks. Most of the time I tried to download some files. Sometimes the status was shown as "Wait in Line, Position XX" (XX referred to some number). I assumed that the Position number was referred to my position which I have to wait for certain users to download in front of me. However, I keep experienced that the position rolled back. I tried to download some files, the postion number was 60. I waited and the number postion finally became 1. But the next time I checked, the position number changed to 90!! It's very depressed on it.

Does anyone experienced the similar things? Why did that happen? Thanks

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