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  #26 (permalink)  
Old April 21st, 2003
Posts: n/a


Keep in mind that the people there will be using the same OS as you. That makes a pretty big difference between OS 9 and 10.
For instance, because I am using OS 10 and rarely use 9 anymore, I can't remember or physically see what you are dealing with, and can't easily do much for you without booting into OS 9 myself.

My opinion, it will be less frustrating for you because you'll probably get your problem solved quicker.

Another example:

I went to the Apple discussion for OS 9, searched for discussions on iTunes, and came back with something I had totally forgotten about:

"The place to set that is in the Internet control panel. Open that control panel, click the Advanced tab, scroll to File Mapping - change the app association for mp3 files. "

So that might be a good place to start looking at for your file associations.
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