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Old May 9th, 2003
gavelin gavelin is offline
Join Date: March 18th, 2003
Location: Marseille, France
Posts: 5
gavelin is flying high

okay, be just careful that an int can be different that 4 bytes on somes machines and langages. (for instance an integer can be 16 or 32 bits long...)
Did you receive Pongs?

I don't think your Payload_type field is right. You have:
char Payload_Type;
p_head->Payload_Type = '0';

but the char '0' as you write has as ASCII Code 0x30 and not 0x00
so code instead:
p_head->Payload_Type = 0x00;

Concerning the non responding hosts and clients, i have exactly the same problem with the client I develop. Nearly all the servents are busy, and it's a real problem
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