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Old June 6th, 2003
zimon zimon is offline
Join Date: May 29th, 2003
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Default Re: Re: RPM packages are not GPG signed

Originally posted by guruz
Huh? In the User-Agent headers etc. the compile/release date is announced.
I think you are seeing the automatic banning of unstable versions (= the old betas) that are older than 90 days, could that be ?
Well anyway, I used to have ultrapeer connections to other gtk-gnutellas and finding stable ultrapeer connections was easier then. Now after I started using CVS version, I never seem to have any other gtk-gnutella servants as ultrapeers or leaves. Also the gnet connections seem to be rather short living. What I have noticed, the reason for BYE is very often "activity timeout"

But ofcourse, it could be, that before when I was using 0.92b, many other gnutella clients rejected as it being "harmfull", and therefore it only could connect to other gtk-gnutella 0.92b's.

I have IP TOS enabled, compression connections preferred, "try to keep at least 4 ultrapeer connections", so maybe I try to fiddle with those to get abit more long lasting gnet connections. Right now it is constantly trying to connect to new ultrapeers, as it cannot keep connections up to at least 4 ultrapeer but only few tens of seconds.

(And yes, I do know I am running an unstable CVS version, so some experimental behaviour can be expected.)

btw, Would be usefull, to see
(explanations of the flags) in that yellow hint box, when mouse pointer is over the header of the Flags column in gnutellaNet-connections subwindow. After time I am sure I'll know the flags by heart, but it's still so compacted information packet that a hint box with explanations would be a cool thing.
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