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Old June 9th, 2003
osu_uma osu_uma is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 21st, 2003
Posts: 141
osu_uma is flying high

As much as I would like to help you, it's very hard with the little information you give. Less rants and more information about your system and the nature of your problem would save me lots of work.

I am assuming that limewire fails to connect when you open it?

1) To see whether lw is connecting, check the 'connections' tab (it might be hidden, right click on the tabs to reveal). It it says 'connecting' and 'handshaking' your on good ways, but it might take maybe a minute.

2) If it says nothing in the 'connections' tab, you are not connected. Maybe you unchecked the 'connect on startup' checkbox in the options. Try connecting manually (file/connect).

If all above fails, the issue must be something else. What exactly is your setup?
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