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Old July 11th, 2003
Posts: n/a
Default How to run Limewire on Java 1.4.1 OSX

Hi guys,

those of you complayning that Limewire is eating up all your resources:

You might want to try to run Limewire with Apples Java 1.4.1.
This is Completely ported to the Cocoa framework,that is easier on resources. Also the Memory footprint of java had been reduces significantly, and things like mouse scrollwheel also work now

to use 1.4.1 you best open your terminal
#cd /Applications/LimeWire/
#vi Info.plist


you should now see some text like


Modify it like this:



In case you don't know how to use Vi - you can use another editor of choice, but here are some commands:
to insert text, press 'i'
when done inserting press <esc>
to delete a letter press 'x'

to save and exit, press ':wq'

to see all commands, open another terminal and type 'man vi'

have fun.

PS - in case you don't know what terminal is - never mind my suggestions, read someting else instead
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