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Old August 20th, 2003
stief stief is offline
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Originally posted by trap_jaw4 I like the idea of the open-source movement so I remained with LimeWire, especially since it's probably the best Gnutella client that runs on Linux.
Jens-Uwe got me wondering if the Linux kernel project has the best claim to the largest project that furthers the ideal of the digital commons. (Do you code for it too?)
I'm not using LimeWire very often, except for the purpose of testing. I don't tend to find the content I want on Gnutella and when I upload stuff to Gnutella it is not reshared. So long I am trying to help making Gnutella a little better although it might be a little like fighting wind mills, given the attitude of certain vendors releasing badly written clients which fail to implement important new features (but add useless ones like proxy support instead, - God, I have written a proxy patch for LimeWire last year already.)
Hmm. Lots to think about here. "certain vendors" would include LW, and quixotic would describe many opensourcers, I guess. I'm interested in knowing what the important features would be that haven't been implemented (FT access?), but thought the proxy stuff would help the half of the network that is firewalled which seemed a major factor in so many downloads being interrupted. Your PFS patch was used; so did the proxy patch just get forgotten?

I wonder why your stuff isn't being reshared. If it's being leeched by other networks, I can see why a two-way path would be a more important priority, or do you think coding LW to make uploading as easy as downloads should be more important?

Sorry for the length; I guess I'm just asking what the important changes should be (I don't know enough to judge a "badly written" core), but cheers anyways.
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