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Old September 7th, 2003 is offline
Join Date: September 7th, 2003
Posts: 2 is flying high
Default gnut, lack of documentation, lack of connections

I want to setup a barebones gnutella client to simply host a couple files. I have a cr*ppy old p166 with a couple hard drives not even 200M in size. I have installed a barebones debian 2.4.18bf2.4 system and gnut. i have successfully gotten gnut to say it is sharing files, and have accessed gnut through the web interface, but when i start gnut up, it can't connect to any hosts. i am behind a router, which i have set to port forward port 6346 (gnut is default 5634, changed to standard gnutella 6346) both tcp and udp to the appropriate machine.

i have scoured the html docs that come with it, and the readme's, and the only help it provides regarding routers is that the machine should think it is directly connected to the net. the test it tells to do is ping a site from that machine, which of course works. so according to it's own documentation, my router is properly setup, in fact it never even asked for the ports to be opened to itself for incoming connections.

also, there is a rather large lack of documentation for this program. the supposed links to the debian site for docs are 404's, and there is almost nothing else.

note: on my local dns server, i do see it querying a whole whack of servers, and initially, gnut does seem to have connections, but they all timeout.

1) can anyone point me to gnut documentation that doesn't result in a 404 page? is a 404 is also a 404
2) can anyone provide me with a suggestion as to how to get gnut to connect to hosts.
3) can anyone point me to another text based gnutella client (for the debian distro) which is very small (less than 40M for the whole install, including other required packages. 40M is how much space is available for apps)
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