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Old September 29th, 2003
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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arne_bab is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I will only speak for myself here.

I am both interested in non-infringing and in "infringing" content, because I think, that getting music from Gnutella is not so much different froma asking a friend to copy a tape for me. I Germany the legislation realized, that this can't be stopped, so they allowed it.

Now I think p2p will (and already does) change the Music and Movie and soon the literature market, because buying something will be done for supporting those who created it, and not only for getting the content.

I am full for non-infringing content, and I also provide it (for example by simply sharing my download folder and my own music), but still I don't think it bad to share copyrighted content, as long as people remember, that the production of copyrighted works costs money and can only be kept up, if you buy CDs from the bands you want to support.
I download mostly music I couldn't get my hands on otherwise, and not because I don't have the money for the CD, but for example, because it is copy-protected and doesn't run with my ipod.

And besides: I think the industry didn't come to their senses, they lost them.
Instead of making buying music more attractive than downloading it, they try to force people to stop. (I wonder, why noone said this before).

File Sharing programs will become secure, anonymized and untrackable, because the industry forces them to do so. You can't tell me it isn't possible to make them such.

Anonymous UDP, peerproxying, GPG-encryption.

To their senses they will come, but it won't be nice for them. As distributing music becomes easier, we might not need such a big (and moneyconsuming) industry for that.
They will come to theis senses, when they switch from fighting p2p to making more live-events, with which they can still make money (and will be able to for a long time to come, because you can't simply copy the feeling of going to a live-event).

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