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Old November 1st, 2003
Jottagirl Jottagirl is offline
Join Date: October 21st, 2003
Posts: 22
Jottagirl is flying high
Default No Limewire for Some Macs...?

Okay, for several months I've been checking for solutions to the dreaded MRJ problem...

Even after all the many solutions and suggestions, apparently there are just SOME Macs that Limewire won't work with. That seems to be the dead end I'm at, and it's so frustrating. In the past I used Napster and Mactella, but now, since I can't get Limewire to run, I've got nothing. I'm jonesin' for new music.

I'm hoping there's an alternative, or an answer, or a solution I haven't tried yet, but I'm pretty sure I've covered every single one of them I've read in the forums.

Any help or suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated.
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