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Old November 7th, 2003
Jottagirl Jottagirl is offline
Join Date: October 21st, 2003
Posts: 22
Jottagirl is flying high
Default LW/Mac...Wary of 9.2 upgrade

Thanks for taking the time to help me out, I do appreciate it.

But....I'm very hesitant about the 9.2 upgrade. I've listened to many sad stories of the hassles it's caused. (i.e., application conflicts, etc).

I'm a graphic designer, using all the standard desktop publishing programs (Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.).

9.1 has been fairly stable (knock wood), and you know what they say: "If it ain't broke, don't upgrade"---or something like that.

If that's the only way you think LW will work, I'm not sure if I can risk it. Any thoughts? If I did, how difficult would it be to go back to 9.1 if I needed to?

Did Mactracker have any other thoughts about this? ;-)

I'll be waiting patiently here, chicken that I am.
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