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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 2nd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up How it works...

For all those who still don't get it to run on SuSE 7.1 (and maybe also RedHat):

Install the Java Development Kit 1.3.1 from Sun. If you use the binary j2sdk-1_3_1-linux-i386.bin, it will not install itself automatically into the /usr/lib directory or anywhere you might want it to be, so after running the install binary, you have to execute:

mv jdk1.3.1 /usr/lib

Then edit your and insert the following line, replacing the original line:

/usr/lib/jdk1.3.1/bin/java -classpath . RunLime

The original option "-cp" is not a recognised option so it should really be "-classpath" instead.

Then you can start Limewire from an x-terminal or anything similar.
Note that you can't just type


but you first have to change into the installation directory and then execute

cd /path/to/limewiredir

Have fun.


PS: Strangely enough, it LimeWire also doesn't start if you insert the "cd /path/to/limewiredir" line into the shell script and place it somewhere else. If someone knows why and how to work around this, tell us, because it would be very nice to place the script on the Desktop and execute it by simply clicking on it.
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