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Old January 2nd, 2004
Rebellious Rebellious is offline
Join Date: January 1st, 2004
Location: u.k
Posts: 2
Rebellious is flying high
Exclamation You are being watched as to what you are sharing ?

Recently an associate of mine recieved an email,,,,,,

Well it goes like this :


An incident has been brought to our attention, which we believe constitutes a breach of our terms and conditions.

on the date of **/**/**** the person using the account name of ********* distributed unauthorised copies of the copyrighted sonic soloutions' property/s. we would ask you to desist on such actions . Tiscali take all such abuses very seriously and will not hesitate to take the appropriate action should a futher incident occur.

The following is a copy of email from which we recieved complaint :

Title : RecordNow
Infringement source : Gnutella
intial infringement time stamp *******
Infringer username *******
infringing filename RecordNow MAX 4.10.exe

~~~ exodus ~~~~

Is this a case of we cannot share openly ,,,?

Please post your views on this matter ,,, especially if you have ever recieved such an Email ,,,

~ Rebellious ~

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