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Old January 10th, 2004
zimon zimon is offline
Join Date: May 29th, 2003
Posts: 14
zimon is flying high
Question Could there be a bug in 0.93? (80/tcp inviting problem)

Originally posted by guruz
version 0.93 was released.
As usual, you should upgrade
I've noticed lately, that although I have never run any gnutella servant on port 80/tcp, other gnutella servants, especially LimeWire ones, has started to knock on 80/tcp port where Apache is listening for my other uses.

gtk-gnutella has always been listening and using the default port 6346/tcp on my machines and noone else has had this IP-address for over two years now.

This didn't happen before, so either gtk-gnutella, LimeWire or gnet-protocol has changed during last month.

I also asked this on LimeWire forum.

Somehow it would seem to be a problem in gtk-gnutella though, as there is also rather old versions of LimeWire doing this, and it didn't happen before couple of months ago when I used to run older version of gtk-gnutella regularly.

When gtk-gnutella is quit, the knocks to 80/tcp becomes soon more seldom and eventually stops. When gtk-gnutella is started again, the knocks start soon again on 80/tcp.

There is several thousands of these kind of lines already in the httpd-logs: (now lately I've turned the logging off from /uri-red/N2R, but they are still there if I enable it.)

[07/Jan/2004:15:40:28 +0200] ( - - -> "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:4R4VM2DXDTEMWEW3BIU6TEH42XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" - <- 404 1045B 0s "LimeWire/3.6.10" "-" 1014

[07/Jan/2004:15:47:39 +0200] ( - - -> "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:4R4VM2DXDTEMWEW3BIU6TEH42XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" - <- 404 1045B 0s "LimeWire/3.6.8 (Pro)" "-" 1016

[07/Jan/2004:15:58:09 +0200] ( - - -> "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:4R4VM2DXDTEMWEW3BIU6TEH42XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" - <- 404 1045B 0s "LimeWire(Acquisition)/100.2" "-" 1018

[07/Jan/2004:15:58:18 +0200] ( - - -> "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:4R4VM2DXDTEMWEW3BIU6TEH42XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" - <- 404 1045B 0s "LimeWire/3.6.14" "-" 1011

07/Jan/2004:16:12:32 +0200] ( - - -> "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:4R4VM2DXDTEMWEW3BIU6TEH42XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" - <- 404 1045B 0s "LimeWire/3.6.15 (Pro)" "-" 1017

[07/Jan/2004:16:19:11 +0200] ( - ->
"GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:4R4VM2DXDTEMWEW3BIU6TEH42XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" - <- 404 1045B 0s "LimeWire/3.6.15" "-" 1012

[07/Jan/2004:16:22:18 +0200] ( - - -> "GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:4R4VM2DXDTEMWEW3BIU6TEH42XXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" - <- 404 1045B 0s "LimeWire(Acquisition)/100.2" "-" 1018
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