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Old February 10th, 2004
boatieben boatieben is offline
Join Date: December 1st, 2003
Posts: 9
boatieben is flying high
Default best configuration for good down load speeds


I have recently noticed that my download speeds can jump from 2/3 Kbps to 20 and then back again for no apparent reason. Can someone explain why this might be, and tell me how I might be set up wrong, cos I'd prefer to get those speeds all the time!

I'm on 3.6.8, on OS X panther. iTunes support turned off, ultrapeer disabled

I also have problems with files waiting to find sources just being "forgotten";
Any ideas?

I have been using Limewire for about 4 months, and enjoy it alot; I've learned that the support forums can be a great help and I'm pleased there are so many willing helpers. Thanks for your time

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