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Old February 22nd, 2004
deserttoad deserttoad is offline
Join Date: February 22nd, 2004
Posts: 7
deserttoad is flying high


I tried Iswipe today just to check it out. And it would connect to the napster client, but not Gnutella(limewire).

Also, if I tell limewire to disconnect and it shows no hosts, and I quit the application, my Internet Connect program still shows things sending and receiving even though no programs are running.

I wonder if this might be due to my slow connect - 26.4.

If I select a file to download, my connect starts to crash real quick. It goes from Turbocharged down to poor in just a couple of minutes, but if I kill the download, it will work it's way back up to turbocharged.

Is this a bandwidth problem?

love to solve this.

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