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  #18 (permalink)  
Old March 13th, 2004
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Angry Re: Kazaa

Originally posted by Rainbow Girl
Well, I now have Kazaa. Yesterday I discovered a miracle product called 'Kazoom'. Not only can I get some things to download completely, but if I get 'more sources' Kazoom will keep resuming until it downloads. It also helps to find more stuff when you search. When something starts to download, Kazoom will make sure it finishes. I don't know if there is anything like this for other download programs but it wouldn't hurt to look. I really love it as I can actually download stuff now.

Actually, I'm on your side and would look around to see what works....I have actually had much better luck through kazaa and emule as well. I don't want to get into a flame-throwing contest, but I'm just a little worked up about my "need more sources" situation with limewire. I have to say one thing and that is no, I didn't need a "cooling fan for my anti-virus app." for the 2 years I have been using kazaa. All computer/technical jargon aside, I hope no one "FORGETS" that we BOUGHT this service. If it is just a "hobby" and I'm not gauranteed anything, then don't charge me 20 bucks (and that would include the annoying "upgrade to pro" pop-up for ANOTHER 20 bucks)! I downloaded and PAID for this service for the same resons everyone else did-----so I didn't have to spend $12 to $15 for the CD...whomever posted the last scathing message about this problem has a set of crystals to imply that I should go elsewhere for it after limewire has now received a non-refundable payment from me...That's like walking into a "petrol station", giving the clerk 20 dollars, only to have them say they are out of gas as you sit there with the option of going elsewhere or waiting a month for their next shipment of gasoline...