Thread: speed
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Old May 1st, 2004
stief stief is offline
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Thanks Philippe--that clarifies the speed options nicely. Through trial and error I'd found setting my upload limit to 80% of 1 mbps worked very well.

Recently some cable companies here in Canada have increased the bandwidth (usually shared) they provide to 5 mbps down and 1 mbps up, in order to stay ahead of the telcos providing DSL. This means over half of the top fastest domain names are Canadian.

So users with these companies should choose "T3 or Better" and limit uploads to ~95KB/sec. Correct?

However, the upload bandwith slider at its minimum is 93.75 KB/s which is a bit high, especially if others on the LAN start using their gnutella clients too.

So, would it be better to set the speed to T1 or T3?

I guess the best situation would be if LW could autodect the upstream load from the home router, and adjust accordingly.