Thread: speed
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Old May 9th, 2004
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Originally posted by stief
I guess the best situation would be if LW could autodect the upstream load from the home router, and adjust accordingly. [/B]
That's what LimeWire will do. If you set the initial speed to high, LimeWire may start with poor performance, but will finally reach a stable setting, because it will monitor the actual total download/upload speed to avoid exceeding the workable maximum.

When any Internet application uses its maximum upstream/downstream bandwidth, it cannot react to changing conditions, because the roudntrip delay is increased a lot with buffering. A ping/pong that normally replies in about 70ms on a idle connection may be only able to reply in 800ms or more. Keeping a small unused bandwidth allows sending urgent messages and keeping the roundrip time at acceptable levels.

If you use 85% of your bandwidth, the roundtrip time will be increased but at a still reasonnable limit of about twice the delay on an idle Internet connection.

You may want to adjust the upload speed and check the TCP/IP average ping time so that it will be approximately the double of your average ping time when no upload is in progress. If your ping causes more than 50% of packet losses, you know that your upload speed is set to high, and the latency of your servent is too high.

Normally you will not need to limit your download speed (most users will want it to be maximized).
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