Thread: LimeWire 3.9.10
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Old May 15th, 2004
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Default Re: default as leaf?

Originally posted by Matamoros
Starting with a fresh configuration several times in the course of various experiments this evening, I notice that LW (I am using v3.9.10 right now) apparently defaults to function as a leaf rather than a Ultra Peer, even though Disable UP is by default unchecked in the options.

To get around this, I checked this option, saved options, then unchecked it, save again, and then disconnected and reconnected. LW then (nearly instantly) connected as a UP.
I's normal that your servent starts as a leaf with a fresh configuraion: your public ip has no been validated, and there is no past proof of bandwidth and no past proof that your servent can accept incoming connections. Also, it needs to proove that your serven has a good past of connection availability.
The election mechanism needs several conditions before a node can become an UltraPeer. And even in that case, the promoion will only occur if you get replies from the network that more ultrapeers are needed. Of course this will only happen provided that Ultrapeer support is not disabled.
When you stop your servent, some statistics are computed and stored, and benefit to the next restart (the delay before resarting is taken into account to compute your host availability).