Thread: LimeWire 3.9.10
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Old May 16th, 2004
Matamoros Matamoros is offline
Join Date: March 14th, 2004
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 74
Matamoros is flying high

I's normal that your servent starts as a leaf with a fresh configuraion: your public ip has no been validated, and there is no past proof of bandwidth and no past proof that your servent can accept incoming connections. Also, it needs to proove that your serven has a good past of connection availability.

The election mechanism needs several conditions before a node can become an UltraPeer. And even in that case, the promoion will only occur if you get replies from the network that more ultrapeers are needed. Of course this will only happen provided that Ultrapeer support is not disabled.

When you stop your servent, some statistics are computed and stored, and benefit to the next restart (the delay before resarting is taken into account to compute your host availability).
Thanks for the very helpful explanation. In this and several earlier posts here, you've shared a lot of useful information about how LW works, and I hope that it can be added to the FAQ in some form.

With respect to that, I would be more than happy to volunteer my services: I am an Engish native-speaker who has worked as a (freelance) technical writer for many years. But of course I am not a programmer, and I can't tell how a program works just by looking at source code, so I would need a fair bit of input to be able to help develop the documentation further.

Anyway, let me know if I can be of assistance in any way; it is always said that programmers hate writing the documentation...