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Old May 29th, 2004
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Default Re: My List

Originally posted by ElllisD
[B]First off, I'd like to vote against defaulting compression to "on". It slows my machine, I don't need it, and I don't use it.
Very bad idea. You do use it, and others do, because compression vastly reduces the network traffic for staying in the Gnutella Net.
If you disable compression, not only you have more network traffic, but the hosts you are connected to as well.
So I'd suggest you leave it on (and besides: Some time to come other clients might refuse to connect to clients without comressin, because they want to save bandwidth for down and uploads).

I'd like the current search results to come back up when the app restarts, just as the downloads in progress do.
Wouldn't be effective, because the hosts you found with that search are likely do be offline by the time you start again, so the results wouldn't be that useful. Better to restart the search.

I'd like a button that says Place selected file at end of queue, for those connections that sit at 0Kb/s for a long time and only
intermittently speed up, so that faster files in the queue can use the available download slot. Or maybe a user-defined timeout that determines how long a transfer can sit at zero before being automatically placed at the end of the queue. Or maybe give the intermittent low-speed connections a temp slot exempt from download slot limits.
this should be taken care of by LimeWire internally, because it simply allows one more slot, when the upload bandwidth you allow isn't maxed out.

Add ".ape" to the default displayed filetype list.
And add smd;smc;gba;xcf;sitx;ppt;
These are:
Genesis-Rom, SNES-Rom, Game Boy Advance Rom, GIMP-Graphics-file, New StuffIt-Format, PowerPoint.

As soon as the MAGMAv0.2-spec is ready, adding .magma would also be nice.

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